Online Greek Courses

  • Advance all four language skills in Greek
  • Respond to everyday communicative situations
  • Learn about different aspects of contemporary Greek culture
  • Develop your skills to explore the reality of contemporary Greece

Online Greek Courses

  • Advance all four language skills in Greek
  • Respond to everyday communicative situations
  • Learn about different aspects of contemporary Greek culture
  • Develop your skills to explore the reality of contemporary Greece

Pick The Class Format That Suits You Best

Our Courses are addressed to

Adult learners

A wide choice of courses in Greek Language at all levels. Use now the Greek you have learned. Communicate with the Greeks you meet.


The first systematic and organized Greek language course for non-native or bilingual children aged 7-12 years. An initiative of teachers specialized in teaching Greek as a second and as a foreign language.

Friends of Greece

Greek literature and introduction to Greek culture, traditions, the arts, history and geography.

HCC Courses


Online Greek Language at all levels

Join like-minded people who love Greek and study in a semi-private group (2-3 students) or a larger group (4-8 students). Or create your own learning programme in a one-to-one course.


Speaking Greek B2-C1

You know grammar but you find it difficult to speak the Greek you know? Join this course and enjoy speaking!


Greece Now@HCC – Refresher Course C2+

Learn about/discover contemporary Greek intellectuals and comment on their writings. Read Greek newspapers. Discuss the developments in Greece and in your country. Share your passion for Modern Greek.


Ancient Greek

Discover the Ancient Greek World. Learn how to understand Ancient Greek texts.

HCC Courses


Online Greek Language at all levels

Join like-minded people who love Greek and study in a semi-private group (2-3 students) or a larger group (4-8 students). Or create your own learning programme in a one-to-one course.


Speaking Greek B2-C1

You know grammar but you find it difficult to speak the Greek you know? Join this course and enjoy speaking!

HCC Courses


Online Greek Language at all levels

Join like-minded people who love Greek and study in a semi-private group (2-3 students) or a larger group (4-8 students). Or create your own learning programme in a one-to-one course.


Speaking Greek B2-C1

You know grammar but you find it difficult to speak the Greek you know? Join this course and enjoy speaking!

What our students say

“Μόλις πέρασε μια βδομάδα και μου λείπουν ήδη τα μαθήματα μας! κάναμε μεγάλες συζητήσεις με τις άλλες μαθήτριες σε όλα τα θέματα που είδαμε στην πλατφόρμα, όλα πολλά ενδιαφέροντα για την γνωριμία της Ελληνικής κουλτούρας. Ευχαριστώ την δασκάλα μου την Σοφία για την υπομονή που είχε και που μας έδωσε σε όλο τον χρόνο, μας βοήθησε καταπληκτικά στην μελέτη των Ελληνικών.”
“Είμαι πάντα χαρούμενη που μελετώ σε αυτό το σχολείο. Υπάρχει μια τεράστια προετοιμασία πίσω από αυτό, και κάθε μάθημα μαθαίνω περισσότερα. Οι δάσκαλοι μεταδίδουν πάθος για τη γλώσσα και ασχολούνται επίσης με δύσκολα θέματα αλλά με πνεύμα ανταλλαγής. Είναι μοναδική χαρά να συνεχίσω τις σπουδές!”
“Thank you for always accommodating to my busy schedule and, most importantly, my learning pace! Looking forward to the start of my lessons next year!”
“The lessons were exactly like I wanted them (and like I had suggested them to be), and the two teachers did an excellent job.”
“Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για τον επαγγελματισμό σας και τις ευκαιρίες που μας προσφέρετε!”

“Τα μαθήματα ήταν πάντα ενδιαφέροντα και χρήσιμα. Ανυπομονώ να τα ξεκινήσω πάλι.”

“The course is efficiently laid out and the support given by the teachers is of the highest quality. I feel like I have improved my Greek a lot in such a small amount of time.”
Σας ευχαριστώ πάντα που έχετε το καλύτερο πρόγραμμα για την εκμάθηση μιας ξένης γλώσσας! Κάθε μάθημα μου φαίνεται δύσκολο, αλλά είμαι σε μια φανταστική ομάδα και μαθαίνω πολλά.
Really good courses by professional and top quality teachers!
“Ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ για την διδασκαλία, τα μαθήματα βελτίωσαν πολύ το επίπεδο των ελληνικών μου και οι συναντήσεις κάθε Τρίτη είναι κάτι που πάντα περιμένω ανυπόμονα. Χαίρομαι που, χάρη στα μαθήματα, μπορούσα να γνωρίσω (έστω και από απόσταση) τους συμμαθητές, από τους οποίους έμαθα πολλά, ακόμα και για τις χώρες της καταγωγής τους. Ευχαριστώ πολύ και τη Γραμματεία η οποία τόσο καλά διαχειρίζεται τα οικονομικά θέματα.”
“I am very happy with the online Greek Course. I think it is amazing that I have been taught by a native speaker Ifigenia Georgiadou who is a very experience, encouraging and wonderful tutor. All my tutorials have been very interesting and has given me a lot of motivation to study at home, despite my busy schedule. I am very grateful as I have learnt a lot so far.”
I am impressed on the quality of the materials -they are by far one of the best I ever had and I have learned 5 languages already… I also love the pace we have in the lessons and the fact that Kostas push us to express everything in Greek. My learning curve had never been this steep! His patience is also amazing! I am absolutely happy with having found the school!! 
Carlos O.
“Ελπίζω να το ξανακάνουμε. Τα πάντα ήταν τέλεια!”

I wasn’t sure what the online course would be like, I was happy to find out the group wasn’t very big and our teacher Maria made us all welcome and has encouraged us all to interact throughout each lesson, ultimately making us learn more Greek!

Paul A.
I am very grateful to Sofia for her lessons, for her enthusiasm ant the ability to capture children’s attention during the lesson. My daughter is thrilled to talk about what she learned in mythology class with Sofia. Thank you for the opportunity to learn Greek Mythology with such a great teacher!
Yulia S.
My impression is excellent, I am very positively surprised and very motivated. The teacher is excellent, brilliant pedagogue, the platform is very good.
Iciar A.
All great, very happy I joined, It feels even closer than face to face. Joining the courses push and encourages me to keep going
Organization of the course is very professional, everthing sets very quickly. So far I’ve been in the lessons of 4 teachers (Ourania Kyrkintanou, Ifigenia Georgiadou, Nikos Konstantopoulos and Kostas Korozis) and they are all very smiling, supportive and professional. They know how to approach to each of their students. It seems that they like their job cuz I feel that they really have fun in the lessons Thank you very much for all the efforts of the teachers and organization.
Nesrin E. P.


Courses are given via the online educational platforms Moodle and GLOSSA, where all relevant learning materials are uploaded (texts, listening exercises, and activities for all language skills, photos, library, Forum, links to dictionaries and to videos), and via synchronous Skype meetings held once or twice weekly.

During synchronous meetings students practise speaking and the teacher explains, corrects, and organises their work. During the week the students study on the platform where they can read and listen to texts, play educational language games, do grammar exercises, practise speaking by recording their voice through the platform, do their writing tasks, and send all their work to their teacher, who corrects within 48 hours at most.

Self-tuition asynchronous online facilities are not YET available. Enrolments are only accepted for taught classes meeting for at least one hour weekly. The use of the platform is free of charge as an asynchronous mode of learning.

Every level has 4 different parts. According to the Greek Ministry of Education, Centre for the Greek Language, the A1 level is covered usually through a course 100-120 hours long. Our learning cycles cover one part of every level, for example A1a, A1b, A1c, A1d.

  1.  You fill in the registration form
  2. We will send you more information about the courses together with a form to add your personal details and availability and send it back to us
  3. We confirm the dates/times of the course and the payment details
  4. When you send us the receipt of your payment you receive the contact details of your teacher and your registration is completed after receiving your personal password for the platform and some other applications we use

Καλό μάθημα!

Course Price/hour


(2-3 students)

12 € /student for levels A1-B2

15€ /student for levels C1-C2 & Special courses, exam preparation


(2 students)

20 € /student (for all levels)


(Closed 2 students only)

30 € /student (for all levels)


39 € /student (for all levels)

Here’s the Cancellation Policy.
Please have in mind that the teacher is getting paid if you cancel in less than 6 hours before every lesson.

You have access during the whole period of your online courses, provided that you have at least one hour per week synchronous/ live lesson with our teacher. Your access to the platform will end 10 days after your last lesson.
You have unlimited free access to the Καfενειο students’ online community, where former and current students of our school exchange ideas and upload posts and interesting materials about Greece and the Greek Language.

Yes, of course. It is possible for you to meet the Director of the HCC on Skype or on ZOOM for about 20 min, in order to locate your training needs and design your own learning path. Even if you will be in a group, she will give to your teacher instructions on what you need and what you already may know. She will also show you the educational platform(s) and explain how they works.

Book a Course today!

You have now found a team of expert teachers of Greek
who have been working together these past 11 years and more, teaching online courses on Greek Language and Culture.
Benefit from our experience and let us guide you along your own Greek learning path!

Book a Course today!

You have now found a team of expert teachers of Greek
who have been working together these past 11 years and more, teaching online courses on Greek Language and Culture.
Benefit from our experience and let us guide you along your own Greek learning path!