Taking advantage of ICT in teaching languages
- Discover good practice examples to use in your online class
- Sharpen teaching skills for ICT
- Explore a list with apps and tools to use
- Discover useful and fun activities

Taking advantage of ICT in teaching languages
- Discover good practice examples to use in your online class
- Sharpen teaching skills for ICT
- Explore a list with apps and tools to use
- Discover useful and fun activities
What you’ll learn:
- To communicate with local people
- To understand the Greeks when talking
- To read correctly and faster
- To pronounce Greek better
- To appreciate different aspects of the Greek culture
- Good internet connection
- A headset with microphone
- A Skype account
- Speakers are recommended
- Willingness and patience to learn
- Try to practise what you have learned
What you’ll learn:
- To communicate with local people
- To understand the Greeks when talking
- To read correctly and faster
- To pronounce Greek better
- To appreciate different aspects of the Greek culture
Course Details
It is a training course for teachers of Greek, which refers to the use of new technologies inside and outside the classroom, in an online or a live course.
Examples of good practice from the long experience of online teaching of the Hellenic Culture Centre since 2009 are mentioned.
Learners will explore a list of apps and tools to use and will discover and create useful and fun learning activities on their own. They will also have the opportunity to discover how the online learning platform of the Hellenic Culture Centre works.
It belongs to the EUROLTA Training and Certification Programme, but you can also attend it as a stand-alone course.
The (optional) Final Assigment of the trainee teachers is the production of an educational activity that takes into account the needs of a special group of students of Greek.
This Online teacher training course consists of 15 hours (one day of synchronous/live session 09.00-18.00 with the instructor and 5 hours of individual study and communication with fellow students to exchange ideas and experiences).
Intended for
- Teachers with no or little language teaching experience
- Practitioners who have experience in teaching in non-formal contexts, i.e., NGOs or wishing to teach a language they know or Greek as L2
- Experienced teachers who feel they need to upgrade their practical skills
- Directors of language schools who plan to add Greek as L2 and design curricula for different learners’ groups
- Other educational or managerial staff of educational organisations, assistants or shadow teachers
Apart from study hours according to a time-schedule, the trainees will attend four (4) hours online synchronous Skype sessions with the trainers (optional). The trainers will answer any questions in three days at the latest.
The synchronous sessions are not obligatory, but the trainees could participate in order to ask questions and “meet” all participants.
Trainee teachers have to upload at least one post in every Unit of this seminar and to upload at least ten answers to other participants. They also should work on the Final Assignment as well as to fill in the evaluation form of the seminar.
Trainers will be at the trainees’ disposal in order for the later to contact them through Skype, phone or e-mail.
The course includes the following modules:
- Educational Contracts and Tools
- Presentation of the participants
- Good practice examples to use in your face-to-face class
- Good practice examples to use in your online class
- An indicative list with apps and tools to use
- A pedagogical approach on teaching languages online
- Main theories of online learning
- Reflection
Tuition Fees
The tuition fee for this training course is 90 euros (15 hours of synchronous and asynchronous learning)
15 hours: 10 hours of synchronous training and 5 hours of asynchronous training
Nikos Konstantopoulos graduated from the University of Athens, Faculty of History and Archaeology, in 1998. In 2007 he completed the MA course of study in “Education and Human Rights, Education and Social Discrimination” at the Institute of Education of the University of London in a joint Masters with the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the University of Athens. He also holds a Master in “Cultural Informatics”, Division of Museology, Department of Cultural Technology and Communications of the University of the Aegean. Specialized in teaching Greek as a foreign/second language with more than 15-year experience.He is a certified EUROLTA language teacher. His work experience covers adult education, secondary school education. In the field of special education and pedagogy he has worked as a teacher-carer of children from disadvantaged families, hosted by the Zanneio Foundation for the Education and Protection of the Child. He has been a member of the Human Rights Education Team of the Greek Section of Amnesty International since 1995, a member of its Board, and he works voluntarily for NGOs and groups providing aid to refugees & migrants, people with hearing or visual impairment and LGBT people. He has been cooperating with the Hellenic Culture Centre since 2008 as a EUROLTA Teacher Trainer, language teacher and coordinator of the Online programmes. He speaks English and is an interpreter of Greek Sign Language. Other certified and experienced teacher trainers cooperate in special Units and sessions in the HCC courses.
Our Centre issues a Certificate of Attendance for the teacher training courses held, to be submitted to private or public organisations and calls. The Hellenic Culture Centre is an officially recognized as a Lifelong Learning Centre and a language school by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religions (EOPPEP code number 2101782/ 2018 and 2308668/2018).
Working Language
Greek is the working language in this course.
Cancelation Policy
- The total cost of the course must be paid on the last day of registration for the programme ( 20 calendar days before the respective start date). Payments are made by money transfer to the bank account of the Hellenic Culture Centre or by credit/debit card or PayPal . You will be informed of the deposit details after submitting the registration application.
- Cancellation of participation: Free cancellation 20 days before the start of the teacher training course. In the event of a late cancellation, participants may use half of their fees to enroll in any Hellenic Culture Centre course or language course within a year. Cancellation penalty: for late cancellation half (50%) of the tuition is withheld.
- The personal data included in this application are intended solely for the purpose of ensuring the operation of the services provided and providing information on new similar services will not be used by any third party.