Ifigenia Georgiadou
Ex-Director of Studies of the “Lesvos Aeolis Cultural Development Company” and of AGROTOURISTIKI S.A. a public company on Agrotourism. Graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy in the Athens Kapodistrian University. She holds a Master Degree from the Transnational Postgraduate Programme of the University of Athens and the University of London on “Education and Human Rights”. She has been teaching Greek as a foreign for more than 35 years, and was trained in the use of theatrical techniques in teaching and is specialised in teacher training. Author of 5 books and numerous articles on teaching Modern Greek as a foreign language. She is a Master Trainer (trainer of teacher trainers) certified by the ICC International Language Association and member of its Board. Coordinator of Intercultural Education and Peace Education courses at the Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC), in Non-Governmental Organizations and other Institutions. Coordinator of more than 20 research projects on education, teaching and learning Greek, culture and online learning at national and European level. Founding member of OSMOSIS-Centre for the Arts and Intercultural Education and active member of the Civil Society in Greece. Evaluator-external expert on Adult Educators’ Certification Programmes at the National Organization for Qualifications Certification (EOPPEP). External evaluator of Erasmus plus adult education projects at the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY), at the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation INEDIVIM, and two National Agencies of Erasmus plus in Cyprus. Educator A and Educator B in the “Major Programme for Teacher Training of Greek Public Schools” of the Greek Ministry of Education. She is a member of the EUROLTA Team of the International Language Association ICC. She speaks English and French, knows Ancient Greek and Latin, and has travelled to more than 35 countries.

Nikos Konstantopoulos
Teacher Trainer & Language Teacher
In 2007 he completed the MA course of study in “Education and Human Rights, Education and Social Discrimination” at the Institute of Education of the University of London in a joint Masters with the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the University of Athens. He also holds a Master in “Cultural Informatics”, Division of Museology, Department of Cultural Technology and Communications of the University of the Aegean. Specialized in teaching Greek as a foreign/second language with more than 15-year experience.He is a certified EUROLTA language teacher.
His work experience covers adult education, secondary school education. In the field of special education and pedagogy he has worked as a teacher-carer of children from disadvantaged families, hosted by the Zanneio Foundation for the Education and Protection of the Child. He has been cooperating with the Hellenic Culture Centre since 2008 as a EUROLTA Teacher Trainer, language teacher and coordinator of the Online programmes. He speaks English and is an interpreter of Greek Sign Language.

Ourania Kyrkintanou
Adult and Children Trainer, Language Teacher & Writer
She studied at the University of Athens and holds a degree in French Language and Literature and a Master in Special Education for Children. She has worked as a French teacher in primary school. She has published 3 books. She is specialized in teaching Greek as a foreign/second language and holds the EUROLTA Certificate in teaching languages to adults. She has participated professionally and voluntarily in projects about podcasts and other material for Greek courses. She has also taught Greek voluntarily to illiterate women, as a member of an NGO. Currently, she is teaching Greek as a second language online in IPHIGENIA Centre for Hellenic Studies, and other institutions, and is a professional blogger. Since 2013 she has been working as a language teacher at the Hellenic Culture Centre where she also coordinates the Greek Book Clubs. She initiated the programme for Teaching Greek to bilingual children and has produced many relevant materials together with Kostas Korozis. She is a certified EUROLTA language teacher.She speaks French, Italian and English.

Kostas Korozis
Adult and Children Trainer, Language Teacher
He has worked in research projects in the History Archives of G.S.E.B.E.E. and in the University of Macedonia, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. He was trained in teaching Greek as a foreign language. Since 2013 he has cooperated with the HCC, where he was trained as a language teacher of Greek to adults. He has extensive experience in teaching refugees on Lesvos Island in different NGOs. As a volunteer teacher he also cooperates with the Greek Civil Society. He speaks English. He initiated the programme for Teaching Greek to bilingual children and has produced many relevant materials together with Ourania Kyrkintanou. He is a certified EUROLTA language teacher.

Maria Kalaitzopoulou
Adult Trainer, Researcher & Greek language Teacher
She teaches Greek as L2 for 20 years in ACT and the American College ANATOLIA of Thessaloniki. She has been working in IMHA summer programmes for many years as a Greek Language Instructor. She has also cooperated with the French Institute in Thessaloniki. Adult education and teacher training are some of her research interests. She has written and published the book “Educator as a reflecting Practitioner”, a research which focuses on how to become a better teacher, ed. Gutenberg. She has been a member of research teams in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki working extensively on Language, Education, Lingustics, and Culture. She has been cooperating with the HCC since 2012 as a language teacher, and she cooperates with IPHIGENIA Centre for Hellenic Studies as an online Greek Language Teacher. She speaks English and French.

Yiota Bouziou
Adult and Teenagers Trainer & Greek language Teacher
Yiota Bouziou graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the National Kapodistrian School of Athens
Yiota Bouziou graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the National Kapodistrian School of Athens and of the joint programme “Education and Human Rights” of the University of Athens and University of London, Institute of Education. She has been teaching Ancient and Modern Greek in a public high school in Greece for many years. She is a volunteer teacher of Greek in NGOs and was responsible for coordinating the Greek Language courses for migrants and refugees in the NGO “Voluntary Service of Athens” for more than 18 years. She has been an active member of the Civil Society and ofthe Greek Feminist Movement. Currently she facilitates the C2+ course on Greek Culture and Language, and teaching all levels of Greek. She also prepares students for the Exams. She speaks English.

Fotini Politi
Adult and Children trainer, Greek language teacher
She has been teaching Greek as a second/foreign language to the Italian Elementary School in Athens, since 2007. She has taught Greek to adult immigrant workers through programmes organised by the Adult Education Institute. She has taught Greek as a second/ foreign language to secondary education students through intercultural education programmes of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has been teaching Greek as a volunteer to muslim minority in Athens, through the non profit organization “Dromoi Zois”. Teaching Language through theatre techniques, and intercultural education has always been in the area of her interests. She has been cooperating with the Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC) since 2003 as a language teacher, and she cooperates with IPHIGENIA Centre for Hellenic Studies as an online Greek Language Teacher. She speaks English and Italian.

Giota Marre
Greek Literature Teacher
She has a Diploma in Classical Studies from the University of Thessaloniki. She has been trained in teacher training courses on education and philological topics and has been developing teaching materials on Greek Literature for adults who are learning Greek as L2. Since 1986 she works as a language teacher in a public high school and coordinates theatrical performances and school Book Projects.She has been cooperating with the Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC) since 1995 as a specialised teacher of Greek Literature and History of Greece for advanced students. Giota is working together with other Greek teachers in order to initiate innovative projects in Greek education. She is responsible for the Modern Greek Literature Project which is being under development for the IPHIGENIA Centre for Hellenic Studies. She speaks Italian.

Dionysis Papadopoulos
Adult Trainer & Researcher
He also works as a lecturer on Special Education for the University of Cyprus. From 2003 until 2015 he worked as a teacher of Greek as a second /foreign language in London. He holds a Master in Theatre in Education and Community Theatre from Roehampton University UK, and a PhD from the University of London. He also holds a Diploma in Special Education from the University of Athens, Greece. He is a lecturer at the University of Nicosia in the Department for Special Education. He is also an actor and theatre director.He lives in Athens and speaks English.

Amalia Panagiotopoulou
Adult and Children Trainer & Greek Language Teacher
She was specialized in teaching Greek as a foreign/second language at the Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC) and is a EUROLTA Certified Teacher. She has also studied music and is a music teacher. She has been working as Librarian in a Foundation for children and as a Leader of the Greek team in international teen summer camps for persons with Disabilities and Special Schools. She has been cooperating as a language teacher since 2014 with the Hellenic Culture Centre and the IPHIGENIA Centre for Hellenic Studies. She has extensive experience in teaching refugees in ACTIONAID International NGO. She speaks English, French, German, Czech and Sign Language.

Fotini Psilou
Greek Language Teacher, MOODLE Platform Content Editor
She has studied also Ancient and Modern Greek Language, History, and Greek Literature. Intercultural education, art history, and cultural heritage are some of her study interests. She has been cooperating with the HCC since 2016 as a cultural activities coordinator, and she cooperates with IPHIGENEIA Centre for Hellenic Studies as an online platform content editor. She is an adult trainer and works as a Greek Language instructor while being a member of the trainee teachers through the EUROLTA Certification Programme for teaching Greek as a second/ foreign language to adults, which is offered by the ICC International Language Association.
She writes content on Greek Culture and is participating also in the Content writing of the Discord Community for Greek Καfενείο, organised by the HCC. She speaks English, French, and Spanish.

Iasonas Georgiadis
Computer Engineer, Trainer, IT Senior Manager
He was distinguished among many candidates and won a scholarship for the United World Colleges Atlantic, UK. He is an expert in Moodle Platform development. He has also experience in adult training and has been working in European Training Courses for teachers as a Trainer on new Technologies. He works as a volunteer in the TED-X Patras organization. He has been cooperating with the Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC) since 2019 as an IT Manager. He is also responsible for the Moodle Platform development and maintenance, as well as Tech-Support for both the HCC and IPHIGENIA Centre for Hellenic Studies. He speaks English and German.

Panagiotis Mavrommatis
Computer Engineer, IT Assistant
Over the years, he has participated in various voluntary organizations in his local community. He works as a volunteer in the TED-X Patras organization. In the past, he had excelled in sports such as soccer. He has been cooperating with the Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC) and IPHIGENIA Centre for Hellenic Studies since 2021 as an IT assistant. He speaks English.
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