EUROLTA Diploma- Level 2
- The only EUROLTA certified course for teachers of Greek as a foreign/second language
- Advanced methodology with strong practical elements and reflection practice
- Intended also for practitioners who wish to teach Greek in non-formal contexts

EUROLTA Diploma- Level 2
- The only EUROLTA certified course for teachers of Greek as a foreign/second language
- Advanced methodology with strong practical elements and reflection practice
- Intended also for practitioners who wish to teach Greek in non-formal contexts
Get all the motivation and inspiration you need in order to develop professionally and personally
Enjoy the emotion of belonging to a real community of like-minded teachers
Join a network of teachers who teach Greek in different countries and continents
Choose the course type you prefer:
EUROLTA DIPLOMA– Level 2 Online course
- 120 hours total
- every other Saturday over a period of 3 months, from 09.00-18.00
- 40 hours of individual study work for the preparation of the assignments and the Portfolio for Certification
- 10 observation sessions, 2 micro peer teaching, 2 teaching sessions 60-90 min, Reflection Diary, 4 assignments
Next course begins in January 2024!
EUROLTA DIPLOMA – Level 2 Face-to-Face course
- 120 hours total
- 10day – 80 hours full time programme in Athens or Santorini
- 40 hours of individual study work at home for the preparation of the assignments and the Portfolio for Certification
- 10 observation sessions, 2 micro peer teaching, 2 teaching sessions 60-90 min, Reflection Diary, 4 assignments
Next course takes place in Santorini, 12 April – 21 April 2024!
Course Details
EUROLTA is an internationally recognised qualification for those who wish to teach modern languages to adults. It is recognised by all member organisations of the ICC – International Language Association and guarantees that the holder of the qualification has acquired a high level of proficiency in the teaching of languages to adults.
All training courses offered under the EUROLTA scheme reflect a modern approach to language teaching and teacher training.
Hellenic Culture Centre is the only recognized EUROLTA centre for training of teachers of Greek as second / foreign language.
The first is for teachers and practitioners who already teach or want to teach Greek as a second/foreign languageor any other language they know.
The second is intended to Directors of Language Schools, Teacher Trainers and Mentors of Teachers who have extensive experience with different groups of students and have relevant research experience too.
In case you finish the EUROLTA CERTIFICATE -LEVEL 1 with us you are eligible to continue to the EUROLTA DIPLOMA-LEVEL 2, as you will then be acquainted with the EUROLTA philosophy.
EUROLTA DIPLOMA- Level 2 is a world‐ wide recognized qualification in adult language education.
If you hold a EUROLTA Certificate you have demonstrated that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, teach and evaluate your language classes within your institutional context.
Certification is based on the evaluation of a Teacher Portfolio submitted by the candidate containing samples of the teacher’s work and is prepared with the support of the Teacher Trainers. The Portfolio is evaluated by the EUROLTA Assessors within a month’s time after submission.
Hellenic Culture Centre issues also (if needed) a Certificate of Attendance to use for different purposes during the training course.
Hellenic Culture Centre is officially recognized as a Lifelong Learning Centre and a language school by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religions.
Intended for
EUROLTA training course and certification recognizes the different educational environments that professional & volunteer language teachers work in. EUROLTA is based on sound educational principles that apply to all environments.
This course is intended for:
- Teachers with at least three years’ full time teaching experience at different levels TO ADULTS
- Teacher Trainers & Mentors of language teachers
- Directors of language schools who plan curricula and address the needs of different learners’ groups
The course welcomes:
- Teachers of Greek as second/foreign language in primary and secondary schools in Greece or abroad
- Teacher Trainers of Greek as L2
- Greek language teachers in Greek Communities abroad
- Teaching staff of Higher Education Institutions relevant to Greek language and culture
- Professionals of Civil Society Organisations working with different groups in programmes relevant to Greek language and culture
- Directors and other teaching staff of language schools, libraries, museums, companies, or any educational department of an organisation
The training course will help you:
- Identify the needs of the learners & recognize how each student learns in order to maximize effectiveness of their teaching
- Acquire the skills and the tools to activate your students’ motivation
- Become more aware of the system of the Greek language and more competent in analysing communication and language use
- Develop awareness of current theories of language acquisition and of socio-cultural and intercultural issues involved in language learning and integrate this knowledge in teaching
- Learn to recognise learners as individuals with their own learning styles, motivation and aims and act appropriately in teaching
- Teach vocabulary and grammar through up-to-date techniques
- Use technology effectively
- Gain confidence and acquire skills in managing processes in the classroom
- Develop a repertoire of teaching skills and techniques and become able to make judgements as to when and how to use them in the class
- Believe in yourself as professional and reach excellency in your courses
Course Types
The training course is offered online OR face-to-face.
EUROLTA DIPLOMA – Level 2 Online Course
Online course is a total of 120 hours and consists of:
- 80 hours of online synchronous teacher training sessions
- 40 hours of individual study work for the preparation of the assignments and the Portfolio for Certification including 1 teaching session to real students
- 10 observation sessions, 3 micro peer teaching, 1 teaching session 60-90 min, Reflection Diary, 4 assignments
Choosing the online course:
- You can access it from anywhere in the world
- Work in your own pace
- Work from the comfort of your personal environment
Preconditions for the online course:
- High-speed internet connection
- Headset with microphone
- Skype account
- Speakers recommended
- Motivation and patience to learn
EUROLTA DIPLOMA – Level 2 Face-to-face course
Face-to-face course is a 10-day full time training programme (80 hours) that takes place in Santorini island or in Athens, Greece, and is followed by 40 hours of individual home study work. The programme consists of:
- 40 hours of teacher training sessions
- 20 hours of practical experience in lesson observation and teaching
- 20 hours of educational and cultural activities related to Greek language and culture
- 40 hours of individual study work at home for the preparation of the assignments and the Portfolio for Certification
- 10 observation sessions, 3 micro peer teaching, 1 teaching session 60-90 min, Reflection Diary, 4 assignments
Total hours: 120
Choosing the face-to-face course:
- You can visit one of the most beautiful islands or cities in the world and enjoy learning combined with a vacation
- You can explore Athens or the beautiful island of Santorini, participate in cultural and interactive activities with the locals, and enhance your learning experience
- You can apply to Erasmus+ to receive a grant for financing your participation fees and mobility expenses
This training course is offered in Greek and the examples are relevant to teaching Greek as L2.
The course methodology:
- reflects the general ethos of EUROLTA training courses, which implies a “learning by doing, reflecting and sharing ideas” approach
- is characterised by a cooperative learning style, embodies trainees’ experiences and fosters the exchange of ideas, proposals and materials
- involves trainees wherever possible in the planning and shaping of the programme
- presents opportunities to extend theoretical knowledge of language, learning and teaching as well as to evaluate and improve practical skills
- integrates practical exercises and the observation of teaching of other teachers (themselves,other classes, video sequences) with subsequent analysis
- provides opportunities for self-evaluation, assessment by peers as well as opportunities for trainees to evaluate the training programme
- combines different training techniques, such as working in subgroups and pairs, role play, microteaching, lectures, guided conversation, brainstorming, language and educational games, diagrams, audio materials, object (realis) and experiential activities
Hellenic Culture Trainers support trainees:
- In preparing the three Micro peer teaching sessions
- In preparing the Teaching session to real students
- In writing their Reflection Diary and in self-assessing their teaching practice
- In preparing their assignments and the Teacher Portfolio for the EUROLTA Certification Process
- With personal mentoring throughout the course
Upon completion of the course, trainees will be encouraged to:
- Develop their teaching strategy through self-assessment exercises (experimentation, reflection, adaptation)
- Form a network to enable follow up exchange and continuous shared learning.
EUROLTA Thematic Areas
- Language Analysis
- Language and Culture
- Language Learning
- Language Teaching
- Planning and Evaluation
- Self-Assessment and Development
The course Modules focus on
- Lesson and Curriculum planning
- Teaching the text and acquiring the new vocabulary
- Teaching Greek Grammar in various levels
- Applying language games and communicative activities
- Key intercultural skills in language teaching
- Key elements when teaching language to special groups of students (refugees, people with special learning needs, disabled)
- Using ICT tools successfully in the language class
- Coping with practical problems in teaching
- The institutional framework of teaching Greek as L2 in adult education
- Information on the exams for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek organized by the Greek Ministry of Education
- 10 focused class‐observation (live or video) with subsequent evaluation and reflection
- 2 micro-peer teaching practice
- 2 teaching session to real students observed by the trainers
- 3 relevant assignments
Ifigenia Georgiadou, MA, Director of the Hellenic Culture Centre, Teacher Trainer, 35 years’ experience in teaching, external expert – evaluator at the National Organization for Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), at the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) and the Institute for Lifelong Learning (INEDIVIM), author of the books “Play & Laugh- Language Games for Teaching Greek as a Foreign Language”, Kaleidoscope -textbook series for learning Greek, EUROLTA Master Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teacher Trainers).
Nikos Konstantopoulos, MA, adult educator, responsible for distance education at the Hellenic Culture Centre, 20 years’ experience in teaching and material production, EUROLTA Teacher Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teachers and adult educators), trainer in Greek sign language.
Duration & Dates
The EUROLTA CERTIFICATE – Level 1 Online course runs every other Saturday, from 09.00-18.00 (Greek time), for 8 Saturdays.
Next dates for the online course:
- 19 October 2024
The EUROLTA CERTIFICATE – Level 1 face-to-face course takes place in Santorini, Greece.
The daily schedule is from 09.00-16.00 and 18.00-20.00 for educational and cultural activities.
Upcoming dates and location for the face-to-face course:
10 March – 19 March 2025 in Santorini, Greece
Working language
This training course is offered in Greek and the examples are relevant to teaching Greek as L2.
The fees for the EUROLTA DIPLOMA – Level 2 online course are 800€ + 100€ for the EUROLTA certification (optional)
Registrations close 20 days before the beginning of the course.
Fees can be paid in 3 installments:
1st installment: 300 euros, 20 days before the beginning of the course
2nd installment: 300 euros before Module 4
3rd installment: 300 euros or 200 euros (if you do not apply for the EUROLTA Certification) before Module 7
The fees for the EUROLTA CERTIFICATE – Level 1 face-to-face course are 1000€ + 100€ for the EUROLTA certification (optional)
Registrations close 40 days before the beginning of the course.
Fees must be paid in advance by the deadline for registrations.
Participation fees and travel and all subsistence expenses for the face-to-face course can be covered by a grant by Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility programme.
Participants apply through a sending organisation, active in the field of adult education. Erasmus+ covers the training fees as well as the mobility expenses (international travel, subsistence costs and special needs requirements).
The Hellenic Culture Centre can work with the sending organisations to provide guidance on completing and applying to the respective Erasmus+ National Agency. We will also support you in monitoring the course and reporting back to your National Agency.
Fees for the online and face-to-face course, are fully refundable if you cancel before the registration deadlines (20 days and 40 days before the beginning of the course respectively).
Late registrations cannot be accepted and the fees are not refundable. However, you may use half of your fees to register for any teacher training course of the Hellenic Culture Centre within one year.
Cancellation Policy
- Fees are fully refundable for cancellations by registration deadline (at least 20 days before the beginning of the online course or 40 days before the beginning of the face-to-face course)
- For late cancellations (after the registration deadlines) fees are not refundable. However
- 50% of the deposited fees can be used for registration in any other teacher training course of the Hellenic Culture Centre within one year’s time
- 50% of deposited fees are not refundable