Free online English lessons for adult residents of Santorini by the Hellenic Culture Centre
The Hellenic Culture Centre in Megalochori announces the launch of a new initiative: free English online language courses for Santorini residents over 40 years of age, with an emphasis on developing oral language and expanding and disseminating participants’ knowledge of the local cultural heritage to visitors to the island.
The courses are aimed at beginners or false-beginners (level A1- A2) and will be held online only via Skype and the Moodle educational platform. They will last 30 hours and two groups will be created.
The first group consists of 10 trainees and for 30 hours of lessons, 5 weeks, 6 hours each week: every Monday-Wednesday-Friday 17.30-19.30. It starts on Wednesday 5/3/2025 and ends on Friday 4/4/2025, with an additional lesson on Friday 4/4/2025 at 15.00-17.00 (double lesson).
The second section consists of 10 trainees for 30 hours of lessons, 5 weeks, 6 hours each week: every Tuesday 17.30-19.30 and every Thursday-Friday 15.00-17.00, it will start on Tuesday 4/3/2025 and will end on Friday 4/4/2025.
On Friday 18/4/2025, a brief evaluation of everyone’s progress will be made and 5 students will be selected who will represent Santorini and speak in English about the culture of our island in a free trip to Sardinia, Italy from Wednesday 30/4/2025 to Tuesday 6/5/2025.
This programme is supported by the Hellenic Culture Centre and the European Commission. It is implemented in collaboration with two rural areas that are developed in the tourism sector in Portugal and Italy. It is called Villages for Preservation (VIP Project). It aims at developing communication skills with foreign visitors in English, so that we can convey information about local culture and our cultural heritage.
It is designed to develop, in a short period of 5 weeks and through intensive courses, the skills of the population over 40 years of age who have not learned the English language, and at the same time to educate them about our cultural heritage.
Information-registration: Ifigenia Georgiadou tel. 6944105484, ifigenia @ hcc . edu . gr and Matina Tatsi tel. 6946406143 secretariat @ hcc . edu . gr