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How to start studying Greek

It requires time and dedication to learn a foreign language. But anybody can do it, and it’s definitely worth the effort. It doesn’t matter if you feel too busy, non-academically inclined, or too old to become a student once again. Even if you only learn a few sentences, you’ll be met more enthusiastically by locals while traveling for personal or business reasons, and gain a whole new experience of Greece. And if you stick with it, you’ll discover new opportunities emerging all the time: you’ll encounter new friends and learn different ways of thinking, and you could even increase your employment opportunities. And you’ll have a true sense of accomplishment.

Before you begin

Realize that learning a foreign language entails trying to comprehend other people’s ideas and approaches.

Reflect on what would ideally be your goals in learning Greek:

  • Gain a sense of personal satisfaction and achievement and broaden your understanding of a different culture?
  • Converse at the workplace (on the telephone, in conferences, or while welcoming visitors) or even go after the job of your dreams?
  • Communicate with Greek friends and relatives and engage in meaningful conversations with locals whenever you visit Greece?
  • Read newspapers, watch Greek movies, participate in Greek culture and utilize the Internet to acquire news from local sources?

Make a Greek language learning plan that suits your needs and schedule.

Ask yourself:

  • Do you want to learn quickly through an intensive programme, or set a calmer pace over a longer period?
  • In a group lesson with other people (even friends that also want to learn Greek), or on your own through one-to-one lessons?
  • During summer and on vacation, or during your standard weekly schedule?
  • From the comfort of your home and country of residence, or abroad in Athens or a Greek island, like Santorini?

Finally, decide on a learning strategy.

There are several techniques of learning available at your disposal. Different alternatives offer different benefits and drawbacks and may be appropriate for you at different times. Following are two great examples:

Online Language Learning

What better way to learn Greek than to use technology to communicate with students of Greek from all over the world? Many people (though not everyone) choose online group lessons where they can learn Greek and form friendly relationships from their own homes. Online group lessons are ideal for you if:

  • You want to learn whilst also having fun with classmates in a group.
  • You want your lessons to provide many opportunities for practicing your speaking skills, such as role-play and drama games.
  • You want to find and connect with other students of the Greek language, even outside of class
  • You prefer a stable lesson schedule, repetitive each week.

Hellenic Culture Center can provide intensive, specialised courses along with small or large group lessons (2-8 students only) if you don’t want to miss out on the experience of a group class, but also would like to personalize a learning path.

Summer School and face-to-face lessons in Santorini, Greece

Learning Greek in Greece environment is ideal for you if:

  • You like the idea of intensive learning, and want to get better at Greek fast.
  • You enjoy Greek culture and language and wish to be surrounded by it whilst also learning Greek
  • You like communicating and forming meaningful relationships with local people and participating in their local life

Usually, our students combine face-to-face lessons in Athens and/or Santorini with their summer vacations, however, lessons in these wonderful places are offered year-round.

Santorini’s Greek programme is unique! Have a look at the draft programme.

Once you’ve begun

Congrats! You’ve started studying Greek! Learning Greek is fun, but if you want to be successful, you must be driven. The more persistent you are in your studies, the more likely you are to achieve your goals. Don’t give up if you’re feeling discouraged or upset, a lot of students do sometimes. Discuss your feelings with your teacher and ask as many questions as you need. And take a break – this will allow you to restart with renewed vigor.

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