Greek classes come alive with original board games!
The “Greek Lingo Box” Project of the Hellenic Culture Centre

The Project “Greek Lingo Box” is part of a wider effort to produce original educational material for teaching and learning Greek, aiming at more effective, real-life teaching of the Greek language to people with an immigrant or refugee background who live in Reception and Hospitality Centers, which often lack good-quality internet access.

The consortium consists of:

  • The Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC) based in Athens, with expertise in training language teachers for adults and in cultural and intercultural education.
  • The Private Educational Center “Simeio Afetirias Ltd” based in Nicosia, specializing in teaching Greek as a second/foreign language, which is the coordinator of this project.

The “Greek Lingo Box” is a collection of 20 board language games tailored for educators working with immigrants and refugees. These games are designed to help students overcome language barriers and facilitate smoother cultural and social integration.


We aim to significantly enhance the quality of education in Greek as a second/foreign language through this innovative tool, which is designed for face-to-face courses .

With the Greek Lingo Box, students will:

Learn Greek vocabulary and grammar through play

Explore the rich cultural traditions of Greece and Cyprus

Appreciate and connect with other cultures

This project is funded by the European Commission Erasmus plus Programme and the National Agency of Cyprus.