The project “Making Cross-Cultural Friends” is implemented by a Partnership under the Grundtvig program for the period 2008-2010. Alongside the Center for Hellenic Culture, the project involves adult education organizations from Spain, Poland, France, England, and Italy.

The project aims to enhance intercultural skills among both students and staff of the participating organizations, helping to reduce barriers caused by a lack of understanding of different cultures.

The project includes three main activities:

•Partners from each country create “Learning Packages” in English about their country’s culture, covering topics such as language, cultural traditions, food, music, and more.

Visits to partner countries are organized, focusing on involving students who do not often have the opportunity to travel and experience other cultures.

Students from the partner educational institutions are also starting a “pen pal” initiative to foster intercultural dialogue.

From the meeting in Madrid, May 2009

Από τη συνάντηση στη Μαδρίτη, Μάιος 2009


Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change (CN4C), ENGLAND
A charitable organization providing social and educational services in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Cornwall, England.

A vocational high school specializing in tourism-related professions.

Fondation Krüger, FRANCE

An adult education center in the village of Mosset, located in the Pyrenees Mountains.

Mag. Sabine Wiesmayer, Das Sympathische Sprachtraining, AUSTRIA
A German language learning center for non-native speakers.

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Pozuelo, SPAIN

A state-run foreign language school in Pozuelo, Madrid.

Fundacja Ad Infinitum, POLAND
A non-governmental organization providing educational services.